BIG Jack: Glass-cutting automat

BIG Jack: Glass-cutting automat

Glass cutting auto­matic machine BIG Jack is a six-axis cutting center used to dec­o­rate glass prod­ucts. Indi­vid­ual axes are driven by ser­vo­mo­tors. BIG Jack is designed for machin­ing larger pieces and can be used with either flat or rotary ones. Using its probe, it auto­mat­i­cally mea­sures the work­piece to ensure con­stant depth of cut in the var­i­ously deformed arti­cles. It is also pos­si­ble to replace its primary machin­ing head with an aux­il­iary one for surface cutting, thus chang­ing the nature of the machin­ing. The entire control system and the program itself are devel­oped by Bohemia Machine. Big Jack is a unique machine which, thanks to its arrange­ment of the posi­tion­ing axes, covers the com­plete surface of the work­piece. The machin­ing head can be modified accord­ing to the cus­tomer’s require­ments. It is pos­si­ble to retrofit it with a solid table with a Z axis stroke for grind­ing 600x600mm glass plates.

BIG Jack is designed for dec­o­ra­tion of glass arti­cles on one posi­tion. The machine works with one product.

Length of the machine
1500 mm
Width of the machine
1750 mm
Height of the machine
2760 mm
Machine weight
3800 kg
Maximum product diam­e­ter
600 mm
Maximum product height
900 mm (maximum cutting height 600 mm)
Product weight
up to 25kg (accord­ing to customer’s wishes)
Product shape
rotary (non-rotary and flat on request)
vacuum or mechan­i­cal (pneu­matic)
Installed input
10 kW
Average input
2 kW
Control medium
Pres­sure air, vacuum (vacuum pump on request, input 0.8kW)
Maximum wheel diam­e­ter
150 mm
Wheel rev­o­lu­tions
200 — 6000 rpm
Number of cutting wheels
1 (3)
Range of product axis incli­na­tion
–60° to +90°
Cooling medium
water with emul­sion