LIZA L5/2000: Flame-Polishing machine

LIZA L5/2000: Flame-Polishing machine

This is a linear pol­ish­ing machine in auto­matic glass pro­duc­tion that is designed for slow glass surface pol­ish­ing cycles. Cycle 0,25 to 2,5 pcs/min. Pol­ish­ing is achieved with flame after press­ing the glass article prior it is moved into an anneal­ing oven. A control and visual systems are a part of the machine. The machines can be set in a line for pol­ish­ing one side of the product, its turning, and sub­se­quent pol­ish­ing of the other side. The turning device is sup­plied depend­ing on the line type.

The pol­ish­ing machine con­sists of a chain con­veyor whose links are small desks equipped with revolv­ing plates that can move along a linear track. 5 upper posi­tions are tech­no­log­i­cal ones (1 feeding posi­tion, 3 pol­ish­ing posi­tions and 1 remov­ing posi­tion). The desks return back below to the feeding posi­tion from the remov­ing posi­tion. The base of the machine con­sists in a steel con­struc­tion. The posi­tions are moved with a ser­vo­mo­tor and trans­mis­sion. All 5 upper posi­tions are equipped with their own ser­vo­mo­tor driving mech­a­nisms for turning the plates. In the feeding and remov­ing posi­tions the article is turned appro­pri­ately to the han­dling equip­ment. In the pol­ish­ing posi­tions the article rotates in front of the burner. When moving the posi­tions, the driving mech­a­nisms of the plates are dis­en­gaged as they are swung away with a pneu­matic cylin­der, and the revolv­ing of plates is mechan­i­cally locked. All three working posi­tions have their own linear ser­vo­mo­tor drive approach of burners. The control system enables to couple elec­tron­i­cally the burner approach and revolv­ing the plates, so that the burner can copy non-cylin­dri­cal shape of the article. Cylin­dri­cal arti­cles can be pol­ished after adjust­ment of the burner approach to the article diam­e­ter. The machine is shielded against scrapped glass and heat with stain­less tin. The system of burners depends on a type of glass mate­r­ial and the size of glass arti­cles. The arti­cles can be cooled with airflow coming from outside or through the desk centres. The control system enables to set the jogging para­me­ters of the machine and revolv­ing the plates, to adjust the burner approach both for cylin­dri­cal and non-cylin­dri­cal article shapes, to create the elec­tronic curve in order to follow the surface of non-cylin­dri­cal article shapes, and to switch the burner valves and cooling on and off. The main para­me­ters of the machine can be changed during oper­a­tion and the change is real­ized in the next cycle. The para­me­ters can be stored as a recipe for the same type of glass product. The visual control enables you to show the data on the screen, includ­ing the timing of indi­vid­ual valves. The control systems of the machine and the whole line are equipped with inputs and outputs used for con­nec­tion with the control systems of adja­cent tech­no­log­i­cal equip­ment (for example, press­ing machine, anneal­ing oven, etc.).

Length of the machine
2500 mm
Width of the machine
1300 mm
Height of the machine
1300 mm
Machine weight
1500 kg
0,25 až 2,5 pcs/min.
Maximum product diam­e­ter
460 mm
Maximum product height
420 mm
Product weight
up to 7 kg
Product shape
cylin­dri­cal, non-cylin­dri­cal, flat
Spacing of the posi­tions
500 mm
Dis­tance between the feeding and remov­ing posi­tions
2000 mm
Number of posi­tions
1 feeding + 3 pol­ish­ing + 1 remov­ing
Burner approach
340 mm
Pol­ish­ing posi­tion
stan­dard or on last
Input of the machine
7,5 kW
Control pres­sure air 5bar
0,08 m³/hour
Con­sump­tion of gas, oxygen and cooling air depends on a type of glass mate­r­ial, product size and system of pol­ish­ing.